In the TARTLE exhibition ‘Solely Saints’, we welcome you to explore depictions of saints spanning from the 16th century to contemporary times.

Starting 25 of July National Gallery of Art presents international exhibition Wild Souls. Symbolism in the Art of the Baltic States.
Opening of the exhibition “Petras Kalpokas (1880–1945) and Environment” at the M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art.

This summer get to know Lithuania through art - with such an invitation, we are renewing excursions to the exhibition Age of Romanticism.
Your support is vital and helps Tartle to make the collection open to the public.
The exhibition, currently open at Zuzeum Art Centre in Riga, focuses on the works of three Baltic women artists – Malle Leis (1940–2017), Maija Tabaka (1939) and Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė (1933–2007) – in the late Soviet era of the 1970s and 1980s. All three of the artists challenged contemporary art discourses through non-conventional approaches to self-representation, ways of creating space and reflections on being artists. TARTLE has lent the artwork \"The Birth\" (1983) and \"Yellow Draperies\" (1991) by Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė for the exhibition.The exhibition focuses on the works of three Baltic women artists – Malle Leis (1940–2017), Maija Tabaka (1939) and Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė (1933–2007) – in the late Soviet era of the 1970s and 1980s. All three of the artists challenged contemporary art discourses through non-conventional approaches to self-representation, ways of creating space and reflections on being artists. TARTLE has lent the artwork \"The Birth\" (1983) and \"Yellow Draperies\" (1991) by Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė for the exhibition.

Enjoy your wallpaper from Tartle collection!
A collection of the wallpapers and backgrounds available to download for free.

Let’s celebrate Easter with hope, peace and forgiveness. Truly, He is risen!

Pursuant to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, from March 13 until further notice the Lithuanian Art Centre TARTLE is closed.

Every weekend in February, a special event called SU-MENĖK will take place, involving 25 museums and galleries across the city.